
Julia wrapper of the Python package iminuit, which is the interface to the C++ MINUIT2, widely used in fitting in the high-energy physics community.

Data(x::T, y::T, err::T) where {T<:Vector{Real}}

Fields: x, y, err, ndata

This defines a type for data with three columns:x, y, err; ndata is the number of data rows. Different Data sets can be concatenated as vcat(dat1, dat2, dat3).

Only symmetric errors (of y) are supported.

Fit <: AbstractFit

struct for fit with individual parameters.

Minuit(fcn; kwds...)
Minuit(fcn, start; kwds...)
Minuit(fcn, m::AbatractFit; kwds...)

Wrapper of the iminuit function Minuit.

  • fcn is the function to be optimized.
  • start: an array/tuple of the starting values of the parameters.
  • kwds is the list of keyword arguments of Minuit. For more information, refer to the iminuit manual.
  • m: a fit that was previously defined; its parameters at the latest stage can be passed to the new fit.


fit = Minuit(fcn, [1, 0]; name = ["a", "b"], error = 0.1*ones(2), 
            fix_a = true, limit_b = (0, 50) )

where the parameters are collected in an array par which is the argument of fcn(par). In this case, one can use external code (e.g., using ForwardDiff: gradient) to compute the gradient as gradfun(par) = gradient(fcn, par), and include grad = gradfun as a keyword argument.

If fcn is defined as fcn(a, b), then the starting values need to be set as Minuit(fcn, a = 1, b = 0).

From iminuit:

Minuit(fcn, throw_nan=False, pedantic=True, forced_parameters=None, print_level=0, errordef=None, grad=None, use_array_call=False, **kwds)

chisq(dist::Function, data, par; fitrange = ())

defines the $\chi^2$ function: fun the function to be fitted to the data given by data. The parameters are collected into par, given as an array or a tuple.

  • data can be either given as the Data type, or of the form (xdata, ydata [, err]).

If no err is given explicitly, the errors are assumed to be 1 for all data points.

  • fitrange: default to the whole data set; may given as, e.g., 2:10,

which means only fitting to the 2nd to the 10th data points.

contour_df(fit::AbstractFit, χsq; npts=20, limits=true, sigma = 1.0)

parameters in the form of a dataframe.

contour_df_samples(fit::AbstractFit, χsq, paras, ranges; nsamples = 100, MNbounds=true)

gives 1σ parameter sets as a DataFrame for given parameters constrained in ranges:

  • if paras is a single parameter, then take equally spaced nsamples in ranges given in the form of (min, max);
  • if paras contain more parameters, then paras should be of the form (:para1, :para2), ranges should be of the form ((min1, max1), (min2, max2));
  • paras can be more than 2. Values for the parameters given in paras are randomly sampled in the given ranges.
  • is MNbounds is true, then constrain the parameters in the range provided by MINOS no matter whether that is valid or not (to be improved by checking the validity)
  • if igrad is true, then use ForwardDiff.gradient to compute the gradient
get_contours(fit::AbstractFit, χsq, parameters_combination::Vector{Int}; npts::Int=20, limits=true, sigma = 1.0)

For a given fit fit and the $\chi^2$ function χsq, gives an array of parameter arrays, with each array corresponding to a set of parameters obtained from calculating the MINOS $1σ$ contour (try to find npts points in the contour) for the two parameters in parameters_combination.

parameters_combination is an Int array of the numbers of that two parameters, e.g. it is [1, 2] for the first two parameters and [2, 3] or the second and third parameters.

If limits is true, then fix one parameter to its bounds from MINOS of the best fit and get the values for the other parameters; this runs over all parameters.

get_contours_all(fit::AbstractFit, χsq; npts=20, limits=true, sigma = 1.0)

For a given fit fit and the $\chi^2$ function χsq, gives a list of parameters sets which are at the edge of $1σ$ MINOS contours for all combinations of varying parameters. The case of limits being true runs only once.

get_contours_given_parameter(fit::AbstractFit, χsq, para::T, range) 
    where {T <: Union{Symbol, String}}

gives parameter sets in one sigma for a given parameter constrained in a range. If fit is an ArrayFit and no user-defined names have been given to the parameters, then para is "x0" or :x0 for the 1st parameter, "x1" or :x1 for the 2nd parameter, ...

get_contours_samples(fit::AbstractFit, χsq, paras, ranges; nsamples = 100, MNbounds = true)

return 1σ parameter sets as an Array (the latter returns a DataFrame) for given parameters constrained in ranges:

  • if paras is a single parameter, then take equally spaced nsamples in ranges given in the form of (min, max);
  • if paras contain more ($\geq 2$) parameters, then paras should be of the form (:para1, :para2), ranges should be of the form ((min1, max1), (min2, max2)),

and values for the parameters given in paras are randomly sampled in the given ranges;

  • if MNbounds is true, then constrain the parameters in the range provided by MINOS no matter whether that is valid or not (to be improved by checking the validity)
  • if igrad is true, then use ForwardDiff.gradient to compute the gradient.
  • For using array parameters, if no user-defined names have been given to the parameters,

paras should be given such that "x0" or :x0 for the 1st parameter, "x1" or :x1 for the 2nd parameter, ...


Extracting the argument names of a method as an array.
Modified from [`methodshow.jl`]( (`Vector{Any}`` changed to `Vector{Symbol}`)
model_fit(model::Function, data::Data, start_values; kws...)

convenient wrapper for fitting a model to data; the returning stype is ArrayFit, which can be passed to migrad, minos etc.

  • model is the function to be fitted to data; it should be of the form model(x, params) with params given either as an array or a tuple.
@plt_best(dist, fit, data, kws...)
@plt_best!(dist, fit, data, kws...)

A convenient macro for comparing the best-fit result with the data; all combinations of keyword settings for plot in Plots can be used for the optional arguments kws... The ordering of dist, fit, and data does not matter.

@plt_data(data, kws...)
@plt_data!(data, kws...)

Convenient mascros to make an errorbar plot of the data; all combinations of keyword settings for scatter in Plots can be used for the optional arguments kws...
